Gorgeous new Scholastic versions of Harry Potter

harry potter scholastic paper trail diaryIf you know me at all, you know I’m a pretty big Harry Potter fan. I started reading them soon after they came out – I was probably in grade 5. The obsession lasted until I was about in college, and now I maintain a healthy level of fandom 😉 (Seriously, there was an era of multiple shrines in my room, tears at book and movie releases, and repetitive reading/watching. Not ashamed.) Once I even met J.K. Rowling at a signing in Toronto of The Deathly Hallows, and, yes, there were more tears, thankfully not as I was shaking her hand. Though I am still really yearning to get to the Wizarding World in Florida (or now California!), that will have to wait, because I’ve booked tickets to see the Cursed Child play in London in October! Super excited. I am also so chuffed to see that Hermione will be played by a black woman.

Until then, I’ve got my new set of books to revel in – they will surely make any shelf of mine a top treasure in my home. I never really thought about getting myself a shiny, new set. I thought I would cling on to my original hardcovers. But the last time I went home and thus was forced to look through my old things (thanks parents :)), I noticed how ragged they’d become. Especially The Sorcerer’s Stone, my only paperback, had pages falling out of it. I still want to keep them because duh, but this was a pretty good excuse to get the utterly gorgeous new set by Scholastic. (Keepin’ it American, sorry! But can you blame me? The new Bloomsbury ones are pretty too, but, choices.) The spines come together to show Hogwarts! How can you not.

But it’s not just the spines that are gorgeous. Take a look at these covers.

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

harry potter scholastic paper trail diary

Now I’m craving a re-read! Which versions are your favourite?

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