Take a tour of my work space

This is an extended version of a guest post I did for the lovely Zie Darling! Here is a peek at my desk, aka, happy place.

Welcome to the magical (cough, chaotic, cough) land of my desk! This is the first time it’s looked this clean in a while. Just for you guys!

Let’s begin the crafter’s tour.

paper trail diary desk

Here is your overview of where I create things. This desk has seen me make zines, write blog posts, write letters, gift wrap packages, carve stamps and more. It was actually my desk as a teenager back at my parents’ house, and I got them to bring it back for me last year, as I was tired of the boring, flat, black desk I had. Thanks, parents! It is smaller than the other desk, though, so here you’ll see my efforts to cram everything into this small space.

paper trail diary desk

I like to have everything I’m using within arms reach when I’m at my desk. Adding a shelf made maximizing the space much better. Mason jars are great for easy (and easy on the eyes) containers for tools and utensils! Here we have my watercolour brushes, markers, coloured pencils and stamp markers. You also wee a lot of twine, lace, a little box of alphabet stamps, my first ever bottle of ink, my first ever seal stamper & wax, stamp cleaner, buttons for some Rainbow Rowell books, a candle and a stack of stamps I made.

paper trail diary desk washi tape

Behold, my wash tape obsession/sickness/glory. I need to come up with a new way to store them, they’ve already overflowed a couple boxes… (update: they now live in one box! not for long…)

paper trail diary desk

This is a section of my bulletin board, filled with cute little things I find and memories. That doodle in the middle is by my brother about a time when we were on a train and he was using my sketchbook. That gps/maps patch was given to me by one of the friends in the photo booth photos when we were at Chicago Zine Fest in 2013 and I had printed out a bunch of google maps to help get us around without using data (spoiler: I still got us lost a LOT).

paper trail diary desk

Here we have some letter sets, chip cards, tags and little boxes full of little stamps, paper clips, etc. That pink tool on the right is an adhesive roller, my new favourite thing when it comes to making envelopes and other paper crafts.

paper trail diary desk

I try to keep everything that I use often grouped together, like you see here with my writing and cutting tools. This is also where I keep my incoming and outgoing snail mail.

paper trail diary desk

Yeah… I have two drawers full of notebooks… and that’s not a good enough excuse for me to STOP buying notebooks… *collar tug* this has easily become a tour of my excessive habits.

paper trail diary desk

This is inside another desk drawer. Where I seem to throw miscellaneous glue, sticky notes, tags, etc.

paper trail diary desk

Drawer of fun paper things like more stationery, stickers & cards I send to people! Hooray!

paper trail diary desk

What would a gal’s desk be without pretty notebooks & pen(cil)s?

I hope you’ve enjoyed my desk tour, thank you for coming by! My desk already looks different since taking these photos!

This entry was posted in Crafts.

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