You can’t even say ‘PuchiMo’ without squeeing. (I go, “Pu-chee-moooohhh!” just for funs). PuchiMo sells suuuper cute stationery. I first noticed PuchiMo (do you notice how often I’m saying it? If I named my business after my pets Puchi and Momo, I’d be saying those words all. the. time.) when I got a letter from my Instagram pal Noah. Cats in donuts! Honestly, I immediately went to the etsy page (conveniently on the stationery, hat tip to marketing skills) and took advantage of the 6 letter sets (10 pages each) for $20 deal. Fantastic deal. It was both very easy and difficult picking which ones, though!
You see, a lot of PuchiMo’s stationery has to do with cute animals and mail. *drops mic*
I also could not resist (I seriously stress this) the ‘I Am a Book Worm’ kitties. Picture my eyes boing-ing out of my head at this point.
And then there’s just kitties. Kitties in donuts, kitties hiding in the paper lines, you name it.
You’ve already left this blog post to go buy some now, haven’t you?
Great choices, fast shipping, cute lil address labels as a thank you, and really good quality paper. I am always hesitant about buying home-printed stationery on sites like Etsy but since I received one already from Noah I knew that the paper quality was good. I am so excited to write so many letters on these papers now!
This stuff is so cute I can see myself hoarding it forever. Where is the book washi tape from too? Good thing it’s pay day 😉
Etsy, of course! <3
Thanks so much! I will be favouriting that shop for sure!
Ohh why do you do this to me? When I have zero budget for mail-supplies?! And I just decided to not buy new stuff ( seriousely I marie-kondoed the shit out of my craft room and the amout of stuff I apperantly already have was just shocking) That Sloth one is just sooo cute!