The Rise & Fall of Great Powers by Tom Rachman, published by Doubleday Canada The ability to laugh when a joke was not funny had unexpected value; it produced a different life. 1988, 1999, 2011. These are the years of Tooly Zylberberg’s life we have access to. Back and forth they travel through the book, telling…
A bookish Saturday
This past Saturday was deliciously relaxing and bookish. Jack and I got up early to visit The Monkey’s Paw, it was my first time there, I had to see the book vending machine! It was actually shut off, but, at least it looks pretty. I also enjoyed this table of books in front of it, especially…
Books about zines
Whether you’re unaware of zines, new to the scene or have been around for a while, there are plenty of books out there about the DIY publishing routes. Over my three years of making and being really excited in zines, I’ve added some titles – both text-heavy and coffee-table-like – to my library. Just one…
On meeting Rainbow Rowell and another great TCAF
Last week was a good week for my love of books. On Thursday, I went to see Rainbow Rowell speak with Elaine Lui. On Friday, I went to see Lynn Johnston speak with Kate Beaton as the opening night of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF). And then I spent hours on Saturday and Sunday…
What to buy at TCAF
The Toronto Comic Arts Festival is one of my most favourite times in the year. It’s two days jam-packed with so many incredible world-famous artists in the Toronto Reference Library, and it pretty much takes you that long to sufficiently get through them all! The last couple years I’ve come home with bags full of books….
My 2014 50 Book Pledge
As of today, I have read 15 books from start to finish in 2014. Apparently, I’m behind. At the beginning of the year, I set the goal to read 50 books in 2014. I guessed that last year I probably got up to 30 or 40, so 50 would be a good area to aim…
Welcome to The Paper Trail Diary!
Welcome! I am so excited to begin blogging about my favourite things! Here you will find: Books: reviews of some of my favourites, especially ones that have to do with paper goodness; magazines to check out; bookstores to go to… Zines: In-progress updates of the zines I make; features on the zines that I love; zine…