Welcome back to the Georgia Nicolson Readalong! Quick refresher: in honour of our dearly departed Teen Queen Louise Rennison, I started a readalong so that we could read (or re-read) her classic Georgia Nicolson series. Every three weeks we’ll post about the next book in the series. You’re invited to join in at any time! You can…
Book Review: With Malice by Eileen Cook
With Malice by Eileen Cook, via HMH Books, out now. Jill is pretty disoriented when she wakes up. In fact she can barely move or speak. Her head feels like it’s going to explode. Jill didn’t just wake up from a long night of partying – she woke up in a hospital with no memory of…
Book Reviews: Flannery and Museum of Heartbreak
Here we are with another couple YA reviews! Told you guys I’ve piled them up lately. Today we have two super cute contemporaries about young girls who are loveable but need to go through a life lesson or two in order to see their surroundings a bit differently. Flannery by Lisa Moore, via Groundwood Books, out now. Flannery,…
Stationery Talk: Thoughtful Types
I love how meta stationery can be. A good example is Thoughtful Types, a new British stationer, which creates stationery exclusively for the paper lover. The designs feature your favourite tools: pens, washi tape, clips, etc. How could any stationery addict resist? I am so interested in how the stationery business has taken off because…
Book Reviews: The Outliers and If I Was Your Girl
I have some shorter reviews here for you today – I’ve been packing on the books lately (and it feels so goooood) and I don’t feel like stretching out reviews for weeks! Here we have two quick young adult reads that were recently published – Meredith Russo’s If I Was Your Girl and Kimberly McCreight’s The Outliers. Both compelling and…
Come to Q&A Letterbox’s First Anniversary Party!
My good pals Q&A Letterbox (aka Queenie and Andrea) are throwing an amazing party tomorrow to celebrate their subscription package’s first anniversary! If you’re not aware of Q&A Letterbox, let. me. tell. you. Every month, they send out three Canadian-made greeting cards, plus a goodie of some sort. The cards are guaranteed to be absolutely…
Georgia Nicolson Readalong – Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants
Welcome back to the Georgia Nicolson Readalong! Quick refresher: in honour of our dearly departed Teen Queen Louise Rennison, I started a readalong so that we could read (or re-read) her classic Georgia Nicolson series. Every three weeks we’ll post about the next book in the series. You’re invited to join in at any time! You…