Call for contributors: the Chain Letter Short Story Project #3!

Chain Letter Short Story Project 3 paper trail diary

Want to be a part of something that makes its way around the world? Are you into creative writing? Do you like sending mail? Well do I have the project for you!

The Chain Letter Short Story Project is quite literally a short story that is written as a chain letter by folks all over the world. I start and finish the story, and then compile everything into a zine. You can check out the first story and the second story now!

The first story was written from 2014 to 2015, with contributors from Malta, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, and the US. The story starts with a guy and a gal meeting in a cafe, and turns into a crazy tale of undercover detectives, arson, and lies. The second story was written from 2015 to 2016 with contributors from Australia, India, Pakistan, Spain, the Czech Republic, England and the States. This story starts with a woman in a group counselling session, just about to open up about her story, and it spirals into a dark tale of vices, anxiety, the Olympics, a haunted past, and letting go.

So now I’m ready to do #3, and I’m looking for 6 or 7 contributors! Please note that this really does take about a year to make its way around the globe, so this is a long term project and you should keep that in mind when signing up.

As a contributor, you must be willing to:

  1. Write a page of the story. (Like, basic notebook size.) It must be in relation to what came before it. You can handwrite, type, stamp, whatever. As long as it’s legible and in English. I re-type them for the zine, but it’s really need to see all the pages together.
  2. Include an accompanying illustration on a separate sheet of paper no bigger than 8.5″ x 5.5″. Do whatever you’d like! But please note the zine is printed in black and white.
  3. Include any web links you’d like on your page in the zine. (Blog, Instagram, etc)
  4. Have it in your possession for no more than 2 weeks.
  5. Email me when you get it and when you’re done with it to get the address of the next participant. And then mail it to them.
  6. If you’re posting about it online, please tag @papertraildiary and #CLSSP3. We want to see its’ progress!


  1. I reserve the right to pick contributors out of everyone submitted.
  2. Participants from the last round are disqualified, to be fair.
  3. The letter will be sent as the straightest line of destination-to-destination that I can see.

If you are interested, please email me at by April 15. Please include the city/country you live in, as well as links to your website or a social media account if you have any. You don’t need to be a professional writer to take part in this!

Post-a-Letter Sundays

to get a letter you must send a letter, at toronto's first post office

So, fun news, my local pal / pen pal (yes we live in the same city and still write letters to each other why not) Andrea (@dreyray) and I have taken over the monthly Post-a-Letter Sundays at one of my favourite places, Toronto’s First Post Office!

We had our first one last week, and it went really well. Some friends came, and we made new acquaintances, and got to talk to tourists passing through as they tried out the Post Office’s quills and ink. I wrote a couple letters, too 😉 We’re really looking forward to continuing to do these! April is National Letter-Writing Month, so you know that day will be full of fun.

Post-a-Letter Sundays are just a few hours for people to relax with a letter or writing project and socialize with other mail nerds. You can bring your own supplies, or use ones that are provided.

letter writing supplies at torontos first post office, via paper trail diary

Here are the upcoming events, which are (mostly) every second Sunday of the month, and 1-4 pm:

April 8
May 6
June 10
July 8
August 12

The Post Office is located at 269 Adelaide Street East.

RSVP on Facebook!

Hope to see you there 🙂

What I Read in February 2018

paper trail diary february reads

After the great reading month I had in January, I was hoping to keep it moving, but February really slowed me down. I either felt like I was in a slump, was distracted by other things, or was too busy. I still managed almost 5 books in 28 days, so not terrible, but not as much as I was hoping for. Here’s hoping March will freshen me up! I’m not feeling very inspired by the books I have on my list right now, and I can’t really put my finger on why. Anyways, the books I did get through this month were mostly pretty good, so now let me tell you about them! (Also, I didn’t notice 3/4 had ‘me’ in the title until I put them together for the photo, ha!)

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This entry was posted in Books.

Check out the Flow Book for Paper Lovers 5 and more

flow book paper lovers 5 paper trail diary

You guys, Flow has now made FIVE Books for Paper Lovers. FIVE. I hope they keep going forever, even though I haven’t finished the first four yet. They’re just SO. GOOD.

Admittedly their special editions like these are what I still indulge in from them, as I haven’t really read the magazine since it became more about wellness than paper fun. So I’m glad they still can stay true to their roots somewhere.

And this book might be their best yet! I know I said the last one was my favourite yet, but I am okay with this pattern. I was THRILLED when I found one in an Indigo, rather than ordering online (woof, shipping costs, just fyi) and I squealed, and continue to squeal, at every page. Take a look at why I love it so.

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This entry was posted in Crafts.

What I Read in January 2018

january reads on the paper trail diary

I can’t believe it’s already basically February! January sort of slipped past me in a quiet way. And while everyone around me seems to be wishing hard for warmer weather, I am perfectly happy in my cocoon of sweaters and books, thank you very much. Whenever it snows, I rejoice (to myself).

I’ve decided to try and present my reads to you in monthly posts – so here’s what I read this month! Except for one, I really liked the books I’ve read.

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This entry was posted in Books.

Join the Valentine’s Book Lover Postcard Swap!

Book Lover Postcard Swap Valentine's Round 2018

Barb of Rite While U Can and I are back for possibly my favourite round of the Book Lover Postcard Swap – Valentine’s Day! And this time, we’re asking you to write about a literary couple you luuuurve. Extra points if you find a bookish postcard to use!

See below for all the information regarding signing up.

Also for this round, we will pick a winner around Valentine’s Day to receive a gift of lovey stationery based on anything tagged on Instagram or Twitter with #BookLoverPostcardSwap.