How do you read? Do you read one book at a time at a steady pace? Do you read a handful of books at once over a month? Do you marathon through books and take a break for a while?... Continue reading →
We R Memory Keepers are game-changers in the paper craft world. They are behind the incredible ‘punch boards’ for making envelopes, gift boxes, flowers, bunting and now letters and numbers. When I heard about this, just like when I heard about... Continue reading →
Black Apple by Joan Crate, via Simon & Schuster Canada, out now. [I received this book from Simon & Schuster Canada in exchange for an honest review; this did not affect my opinion of the book whatsoever.] When Simon & Schuster emailed... Continue reading →
To celebrate National Poetry Month and National Letter Writing Month, I am thrilled to offer this amazing giveaway of activity books courtesy of author Karen Benke! *Three people each copies of Write Back Soon!, which is full of letter writing... Continue reading →
Pip pip, I’m back with the second instalment in the Georgia Nicolson series, On the Bright Side, I’m Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God! If you missed me it’s because I took the last few weeks off as I was moving house... Continue reading →
Here we are, the first post in the #GeorgiaNicolsonReadalong! Quick refresher: in honour of our dearly departed Teen Queen Louise Rennison, I wanted to start a readalong so that we could read (or re-read) her classic Georgia Nicolson series. Every... Continue reading →
It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Flow magazine and all of the products they create. But I have to say, my favourites are the Books for Paper Lovers. (Hm, wonder why.) I’ve used the first two... Continue reading →