Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley, published by Random House Canada We can all get caught up in our creative or professional endeavours. It can blind us to what’s going on around us, to our relationships, to our decisions. I don’t know about you, but once my mind is set on something, it’s hard to turn…
Take a tour of my work space
This is an extended version of a guest post I did for the lovely Zie Darling! Here is a peek at my desk, aka, happy place. Welcome to the magical (cough, chaotic, cough) land of my desk! This is the first time it’s looked this clean in a while. Just for you guys! Let’s begin the crafter’s tour….
Get ready for back to school season with these goodies
I haven’t been in school for four years, but that hasn’t stopped me from getting excited every year for back to school goodies. I am quite the huge stationery nerd (orly?) so it’s a holiday for me and my kind! Here are some of my recommendations for this great time of year. Pencil and ruler…
A Toronto favourite: Kid Icarus
What: Kid Icarus is a paper & gifts store and screen-printing studio Where: 205 Augusta Avenue (Kensington Market) and soon-to-open second location in Parkdale / Toronto Hours: Monday – Saturday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kid Icarus is a pride of Toronto’s creative community. It was first started by couple Michael Viglione…
Want to learn about mental health? Read zines
**TRIGGER WARNING for mental health topics** Reading mental health zines — first-person tales that typically focus on a person’s mental state and experiences – changed my life. I had never read anything like the personal stories in these small, photocopied publications before. I had known about them for a few years, but it was when…
8 Etsy finds to show off your book love
Yesterday I saw that @CarolynQuimby posted on BuzzFeed 20 Etsy gifts for the book lover in your life. In my excitement, I wanted to share all of my finds, too! So here we are, 8 more. Are your books too *new*? Does your room smell too fresh? Do you miss going to the school library just to…
Check out some of Vancouver’s fabulous paper places
I am so sorry for the delay in posts, guys! I went on vacation and my mind’s taken some time to catch up since. One of my highlights of my vacation to Vancouver, Seattle and Portland were all of the amazing stationery stores I got to go to (although it might not have been my…