Ever since I started selling zines online, I’ve been waiting for someone to send me mail back – whether it be a card or their own zine. It seems like that’s a thing a lot of people do. And my address is on the envelopes. I felt like once you get something back, you’ve reached…
Call for contributors: the Chain Letter Short Story Project #2!
Want to be a part of something that literally makes its way around the world? Are you into creative writing? Do you like sending mail? Well do I have the project for you! Last year I started the Chain Letter Short Story Project. I started a story by writing a scene on a piece of paper…
Static Zine #11 – Body – is now available on Etsy!
Hey pals! Don’t mind this blip of a post, but I’d like to share that the newest issue of Static Zine (the DIY magazine I manage) is now available to purchase online, and it’s only $2! This body-posi, reflective and fierce issue features 25 contributors tackling incredibly personal stuff about bodies for the sake of…
Come celebrate the launch of Static Zine’s 11th issue!
The zine I run, Static Zine, is launching its 11th issue this Sunday, and I’d love for you to come if you live in Toronto! Static Zine is a twice-yearly DIY magazine that publishes issues on themes. Each page is made by a different person in whatever kind of visual or textual expression that can be…
The Paper Trail Diary turns 1!
Happy birthday to my pretty little blog! I can’t believe it’s been a year of blogging about my favourite things: books, zines, snail mail and crafts. I started The Paper Trail Diary for a few reasons: I wanted to ‘justify’ my spending habits (heh), tap into online communities for these categories in order to connect…
Zine spotlight: Creativity for Introverts
I am always on the lookout for self care and introversion zines, especially for the upcoming Self Care Package subscription service, so recently ‘Creativity for Introverts’ popped up in front of me! Here we have the introductory zine and the first in the series, ‘Understanding Flow.’ Michelle seeks to give support to “those seeking balance, confidence,…
Grab this zine all about cat butts!
Dear pals! Noreen Rana’s zine all about cat butts, aptly titled “BUTTS” is now available! It features 30 illustrations, from the cute to the horrifying to the fierce stories that cat butts can wield. It’s amazing. I have a drawing in it about something gross my 7-month-old kitten George (pictured above) did to me. You’ll…