If you’re like me, books and snail mail have been comforting hobbies to have during the pandemic. Barb from Rite While U Can and I wanted to bring the Book Lover Postcard Swap to celebrate them during this year’s National Letter Writing Month! The Book Lover Postcard Swap assigns partners to send each other postcards…
Snail Mail
Call for Contributors: The Chain Letter Short Story Project #4
Well, hi! It’s been a while. I’ve been itching to do another creative project lately and seeing as the pandemic kind of put the kibosh on the fun of the Notebook & Pen Swap, I figured, let’s do another Chain Letter Short Story Project! If you like creative writing and snail mail, and want to…
Join the Book Lover Postcard Swap: Comfort Reads Edition!
Well, it’s been a very long time since we did a Book Lover Postcard Swap! Barb of Rite While U Can and I figured now was a good time to bring it back, as we’re in the… 10th? 11th? week of self-isolation here in Canada and figured everyone else could also use a pick-me-up! So…
Introducing the Toronto Letter Writers Society
I’ve been running a monthly letter-writing drop-in with my friend Andrea aka the snail mail queen @dreyray over at Toronto’s First Post Office for a year now! To celebrate, we’ve completely rebranded :p We are now the co-runners of the Toronto Letter Writers Society, and our events are Letter Writing Socials! We’re so happy with…
Join the Valentine’s Book Lover Postcard Swap!
It’s back! Barb and I took a little fall/winter snooze as we were busy with other things, but we’re back with everybody’s favourite round of the Book Lover Postcard Swap: Valentine’s! Swoon. Read on below for all the information and the form to sign up! Want to see some fantastic postcards people sent and received?…
Sign up for the 2018 Notebook and Pen Swap!
Now’s the time to sign up for this year’s Notebook and Pen Swap! I love how much you guys love this swap, and I’m so excited to see what everyone gets! We all love a good notebook and pen. New tools like these are a great way to refresh creativity, find comfort, or take notes…
A Boston Favourite: Calliope Paperie
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to visit a new-to-me stationery store, and oh man, what a feeling. I wish I could bottle it up. That excitement of walking inside and wondering what treasures could reside there, that ignoring of your wallet’s cry, the thoughts of what you could do with your goodies……