If you’re like me, books and snail mail have been comforting hobbies to have during the pandemic. Barb from Rite While U Can and I wanted to bring the Book Lover Postcard Swap to celebrate them during this year’s National Letter Writing Month! The Book Lover Postcard Swap assigns partners to send each other postcards…
Dear The Midnight Library
As you can probably tell, 2020 took a lot out of me, including blogging and reviewing. I did manage to write one letter to a book in the fall, and it’s a book I still can’t stop thinking about. So here’s my letter to The Midnight Library by Matt Haig! Here’s the text: Dear The Midnight…
Join the Book Lover Postcard Swap: Comfort Reads Edition!
Well, it’s been a very long time since we did a Book Lover Postcard Swap! Barb of Rite While U Can and I figured now was a good time to bring it back, as we’re in the… 10th? 11th? week of self-isolation here in Canada and figured everyone else could also use a pick-me-up! So…
Dear Layoverland
Dear Layoverland… ✈️ It’s been a while since I’ve posted a book review.. it’s not that I haven’t been reading (have finished 13 so far in 2020), I just haven’t had the energy or care, even though I’ve read some really good books recently. I spend all day on the computer and just don’t want…
My top 10 books of 2019
Well hello there. Here I am once again at the dead end of the year, waiting until the last second to decide on my favourite books. While I haven’t blogged very much this year, I did keep a steady reading pace! I’m ending 2019 with a count of 56 books. Before I get further into…
Summertime review extravaganza
It’s been a minute and a half since I’ve put out a review, but now I have not one, not two, but ELEVEN mini reviews for you! I hope everyone’s been having a great summer – mine’s been pretty lazy and hazy, to be honest – and I can’t believe it’s already only a couple…
To Read: June 2019
Sooo it might be more than halfway through June, but whatever. Here is my list of exciting books that are out this month! Enough to last you for the rest of the year, pretty much. Your future favourite summer read may be below: Out now If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann: [YA] Winnie…